C/Progrés 39
Ajuntament de Banyoles
Dear Sir or Madam
I represent a very big group colled "Adelescents pels carrers". I am writting to you because we are concerned about plans to destroy the most important park of the city in our village to start to build a motorway. We don't agree with this new project.
In our opinion it's essentcial to have a park in the village because we can run, relax, sing or dance or simply do what we want and it's the only place where teenagers can do that.
We can build the motorway in another part of the village or in one of the three squares that we have.
We have therefore decided to take action, and we are going to organize a protest. For this reason we are sending you a poster and we hope that you will support us.
We need your help.
Please help us to continue having the park in Banyoles.
Your faithfully
Jordi Lladó
Group Cordinator
Adolescents per Banyoles.
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